
Gregg Barnes' Follies Costumes

I saw the revival of Stephen Sondheim's Follies last night. What a treat!
The staging, especially the moving "ghost girls" as set pieces, was masterful. The voices and talent were stellar.
Jan Maxwell as Phyllis (from folliesbroadway.com)

However, Gregg Barnes' costuming was easily my favorite aspect of the show.
(from centertheatregroup.org)

(from playbillvault.com)

Each piece was a spectacle, with the pieces de resistance being the astounding showgirl costumes in the Loveland number.
Beautiful Girls (from centertheatregroup.org/follies)

Barnes is a creative genius, having drawn from the best elements of Follies costume history without, believe it or not, going completely overboard.
Completely overboard. (from haremofpeacocks.blogspot.com)

Here's an in-depth article on Gregg Barnes and the costuming for Follies.
Follies costumers in general have been incredibly creative, from those costuming the famous Ziegfeld girls of the early 20th century:
Ziegfeld Girls (from splendidred.typepad.com)

Louise Brooks as a Ziegfeld Girl (from artdecoblog.blogspot.com)

to Erte:
Erte's Twilight (from www.thehipcircle.com)
I know what I'm going to be for Halloween this year... I'd better start doing some crunches!

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