
Double-Berry Pancakes

After our trip to the farmers market yesterday we are berry-rich, so I have to find ways to use up blackberries, strawberries, blueberries (who knew those could even grow in SoCal??), and boysenberries. This morning I continued my catastrophizing of the kitchen by making double-berry pancakes. I adapted this recipe I originally found in Sunset magazine by adding a 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract to the batter and swapping in sliced strawberries for the raspberries. Sometimes I add a little lemon zest too.

It is a cleaning catastrophe because rather than using the one bowl I'd need for a pre-packaged pancake mix, this recipe uses a mixer and calls for 3 bowls (including the mixer bowl).

To keep the berries from breaking up in or discoloring the batter, add them manually after the batter has been ladled onto the griddle:

At least by using this easier and cleaner way of makin' bacon, my cooktop doesn't get grease-splattered and gross.

Et, voila! Brunch is served!

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