

I've resisted starting a blog because I tend to see the evolution of blogging kind of like tattoos: once the domain of the avant-garde and non-conforming, now everyone and his grandma has one.
That hasn't stopped me from continuing to get tattoos, however...
So, here I am, a joiner, and late to the party at that.
No matter, this blog is primarily for me: my own little personal clearinghouse of creativity.
I get mopey sometimes, inwardly bemoaning the fact that I don't have time to explore all the ideas I have, make all the stuff I want to make, or produce Great Works o' Art. I don't know when I adopted this as my working definition of "being creative" because it is, in fact, wrong.
Truly, I am creative every day, all the time, and I fail to give myself credit for it. But it's true. Just writing these few words, which did not previously exist, has been a creative act. That's exciting!
So, this blog is to help me remember all to the stuff I've done, do, and want to get around to doing, and to redefine "creativity" in a way that is more accurate.

Of course, I'm not special in any way by being creative. I believe everyone is constantly creative; it is the manifestations of that creativity that make us unique and special. I love to see how others wield their creativity, so I'll explore that here as well. In fact, it was a website I found yesterday that finally compelled me to be a joiner. Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction is composed of a group of people who appear to just like making stuff, from specialty spirits to t-shirts, and don't worry about cohesiveness of product or whatever. Before I became an Educated Professional, I used to do that too, under the name "Neo-Renaissance Bohemian Freaks." I made whatever I wanted, from glass art to bath products, and sold at art shows, on Ebay, and in a few shops. I loved it, but had no business sense, so it didn't work out.

Who knows? Maybe I'll start doing some of that again some day.
In the meantime, I'll be here, concocting.

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