
VW Classic 2012

Since I dove face-first into the world of classic Volkswagens earlier this year, I have been obsessed with all things VeeDub. You can regularly find me cruising the pages of TheSamba.com or reading John Muir's trippy "How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive" as I try to learn all I can about the newest members of my family. 

I'm lucky to live in Southern California, where the VW culture is not merely alive, but thriving. Nowhere else is this as obvious as at the VW Classic, the grand finale event capping off almost a week's worth of VW-related shenanigans celebrations.

I love the shape of the Beetles: rounded, yet still edgy somehow. That quasi-sexy silhouette and the multitude of colors inspire me. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the Classic, taken with my Pentax K-x or the iPhone Hipstamatic app: 
A string of Things

Early Type IIs

Pure California

A 21-Bug Salute!

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